IRK GROUP is a company incorporated under Burundian law, specialising in Agri-business, Eco-tourism, sustainable and community development, QHSE...
We provide services and technical assistance designed to help improve living conditions and human dignity by defending access to fundamental rights.
Our actions mainly affect farming communities, the rural world and vulnerable populations, with the vision of being a benchmark in Sustainable Development through Project Management, the Environment and Local Development by supporting national and international public organisations, local authorities and NGOs in the planning, organisation, coordination and control of their activities in urban and rural areas.
Founding and mission
Since its creation, IRK Group's mission has been to support public organisations, international organisations, local authorities and NGOs in the planning, implementation, steering, coordination and monitoring of their agri-business and sustainable development projects in urban and rural areas.
At the same time, we support our partners in high-impact development projects in various fields.
i.e. agriculture, health, entrepreneurship, culture, etc...
To be, by 2027, the benchmark company in agri-business and sustainable development in Africa in general and in the East African Community in particular.
Our Team
Managing Director - Partner
Deputy Managing Director - Partner
Our values
‘’Excellence stimulates quality, a positive culture, quality practices and services for the benefit of the whole community‘’.
Integrity is the basis for accountability, ethical decision-making and trust in our partnerships‘’.
Innovation through a fresh approach to development issues is the key to the success of our initiatives.